Sparkling News

Enhance the knowledges on innovation in the sparkling wines field


We are developing an ambitious offering tailored to the expectations and economic realities of the sparkling wine sector: a range of events and benchmark content, backed up by internationally recognised and established partners.

Our ambition To build bridges between sparkling wines appellations to share innovation

At EFFEVENT, we are convinced that the global sparkling wine sector must work together and share the knowledges specific to every appellation to face the future challenges. To this way, we organize international professional events about sparkling wines technologies to bring together the experts and innovators and create connections.

Governance and history

EFFEVENT is a société par actions simplifiées (simplified joint stock company) created in 2019 by the association of several entities: the Marne en Champagne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nord Est Expansion, NGPA - Nouvelle Génération de Presse Agricole, ACOHBA and UCIA Expos.

The former organizator of the VITeff fair Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Territoriale de la Marne en Champagne creates EFFEVENT and gives it the mission to organize the VITeff

After an uncertain period of COVID 19, EFFEVENT organizes for the first time the VITeff fair for its 17th edition. It gathers 20 000 visitors around 350 exhibitors.

June 2023
EFFEVENT is expanding by organising the first edition of the Sparkling Wine Forum in Reims: a symposium linking sparkling wine research and economic development players.

 To interconnect its events, EFFEVENT launches Sparkling News : the  community platform for the exchange of information on innovation in sparkling wine production.

June 2024
EFFEVENT goes international with the second Sparkling Wine Forum in an Italian sparkling wine appellation : Franciacorta

On the picture : Cyril EGOROFF (EFFEVENT's Managing Director) and Didider FAGES (EFFEVENT's former Chairman and French Oenologists Union's president) at the 2023 VITeff fair